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Our Beloved Hospital Cat

Gus -RIP 2004-2021


Our Beloved Hospital Cat

Gus -RIP 2004-2021

Gus was East Brook’s  best feline friend. He had lived here with us since March of 2017 after an owner surrender. He was a large, sassy, orange kitty who was very much loved by each and every staff member. You could  find him hanging out in reception with the ladies every now and then but most days he enjoyed lying on his bed in the treatment area. His favorite things to do were eating  and taking naps but when he was not doing either of those he was giving head butts to everyone that walked by him. 

Everyone will miss him, as he has earned his kitty angel wings.  “Gus” AKA “Angelinacatsuit”,  Our hospital mascot, eater of jelly donuts, and a friend to every patient.